A 4 day program on selenium 3.0 along with CP-SAT (Certified Professional Selenium Automation Testing) was hosted in Mumbai over 2 weekends on 21st , 22nd April and on 5th and 6th May.
The program was attended by many folks from organizations such as Diebold and JPMC.
The first two days of the program was held on 21st and 22nd April. These initial 2 days of the program gave the folks introduction about automation through Selenium. These 2 days introduced the folks to selenium and made them familiar to Selenium concepts, Selenium Locators, Concept of Webdriver etc.
Here are some of the snaps from the first two days of the training

The next 2 days of the CP-SAT program were completed on 5th and 6th May, 2018. The program continued with the coverage of some advanced topics in the program. Some of the key topics covered during these 2 days were JUnit and TestNG frameworks in Selenium, Webdriver in Various Scenarios, Building Data Driven, Keyword Driven and Hybrid Frame works in Selenium. This was continued with Selenium Grid. The concept of CI and CD using Selenium was also covered.
Here are some of the snaps of the program on 5th and 6th may

Participants have now been given access to CP-SAT mock exams and other practicals for them to practice.
CP-SAT and CP-SAT Advanced are the only globally recognized Certificate on Selenium. It has two exams, 1 hour theory exam and 2 hour practical exam.
To know more about the learning objective please visit the url’s
Upcoming programs on CP-SAT
1. Classroom Training program in Bangalore (10th – 13th May, 2018)
REGISTERATION for bangalore program HERE
2. Instructor led Online Training program on CP-SAT (14th May – 1st June, 2018). If you are not in Bangalore and you want to learn selenium and be a CP-SAT – do not miss our instructor led online program (2 hours daily from 8 pm to 10 pm daily)
If you are well acquainted with Selenium you can give the CP-SAT Examination directly.
To know more about CP-SAT, please visit: https://cpsat.agiletestingalliance.org/