Data Driven WebServices/ Micro Services Automation Using Behavior Driven Development tools like Cucumber, Specflow and Karate
Most of the software solutions designed and developed today are based on Web Services and Micro Services. These are the foundations of most of the cloud based solutions we use daily. Facebook, Google Maps, YouTube uses Web Services extensively.

To make sure these web services are designed fit for use we should properly test them.
What is Restful Web Service?
REST is used to build Web services that are lightweight, maintainable, and scalable in nature. A service which is built on the REST architecture is called a RESTful service. The underlying protocol for REST is HTTP, which is the basic web protocol. REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer
Facebook, Twitter, and Google expose their functionality in the form of Restful web services. This allows any client application to call these web services via REST
Testing of webservices and microservices
Testing of web services are now mostly automated using diverse range of test automation tools and frameworks
#Seleniumsummit18 is having a full day post conference workshop which takes participants across this testing need using hands on labs and a cross section of BDD tools.

Kushan who is an automation expert and architect from Colombo, Srilanka, is covering all of this in a one day workshop on 23rd march in Pune.
Registration URL is as below
Please note that only last few tickets are now remaining for the workshop – please go for it now.
This work shop tends to cover the concepts of web services testing and micro services testing and the range of test tools available in BDD style.
The session will enlighten the audience on using
• REST Assured with Cucumber and Apache
• REST Sharp with Spec Flow and MS Office Inter-operability
• Karate Domain Specific Language Automation Tool
Karate is a new test framework based on the well-known Cucumber library.
It allows you to quickly write meaningful tests for web services using a
domain-specific language (DSL).
• Web Services Test Automation with NodeJS architecture
integrating some of the popular NodeJS web services testing tools, with
CucumberJS and ExcelJS.
This will be a highly informative session for everyone from beginner to novice test automation professional.
Not to be missed
Please get your own laptops. Installations will be shared.
Registration URL is as below
If you want to attend one of the biggest extravaganza on Selenium – do not miss attending #seleniumsummit18 on 22nd March
For more information please visit