

Shrinathacharya L M, one of our Licensed Trainers for CP-SAT (Certified Professional – Selenium Automation Testing) recently conducted a training on CP-SAT with C# at Allscripts, Bengaluru

We congratulate Shrinath for successfully delivering the CPSAT training program

Shrinath has shared a post about the training on LinkedIN, here’s a snapshot of the post.

CP-SAT (Certified Professional Selenium Automation Testing) – highlights

CP-SAT is the only globally recognized Selenium certification program which can be taken up in three different technology streams

  1. C#
  2. Java
  3. Python

CP-SAT is the number 1 globally recognized selenium certificaiton.

Some more updates about CP-SAT

If you are already an expert in Selenium and have a passion for training. You are already undertaking Selenium training in your organization or externally – Please do not miss our Licensed Trainer CP-SAT program which is is happening on 29th of March for more details please see the following URL :

If you are acquainted with Selenium, and if would like to get CP-SAT Certified, you can appear the CP-SAT examination directly

For more details, please see :

Upcoming Program on CP-SAT

We also have an Instrcutor Led CPSAT Online program on commencing 5th April. This is a comprehensive program on CPSAT which is from 5th April to 10th May (weekends only)

Please click on the image to know more about the program

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