CP-SAT Advanced
CP-SAT advanced exam can be taken by tester/developer working in web automation field using Selenium. This is the Advanced level exam to assess your Selenium Eco System knowledge using Practical Scenario based questions
- CP-SAT Foundation exam is a pre-requisite for this exam.
- CP-SAT Advanced exam is 2.5 hour (150 minute) practical exam. There would be 6-7 practical scenario based questions which would need participants to solve the questions and submit the codebase for evaluation.
Exam fees
- The CPSAT Advanced certification exam fee is INR 6000/- or USD 80/- (Any applicable tax would be extra)
- Re-appearing charges for CP-SAT Advanced Level – INR 3000/- or USD 40/- (Any applicable tax would be extra)

Register here for CP-SAT Advanced Exam
CP-SAT Advanced Registration
CP-SAT Advanced Registration ( Re-examination Registration )