Testing Certificate as it is the
only globally recognized program
which tests participants
practical knowledge
of very successful journey.
Most renowned global practical
assessment driven selenium certification
the only global certification in Selenium
offering you such a flexibility.
Certified Professional - Selenium Automation Testing
CP-SAT is #1 globally recognized Selenium Certificate Program. The certification program is not only about Selenium but the Selenium Ecosystem which includes testing frameworks, tools, and technology, which together bring the best out of Selenium.
After completing 9 years of existence, the CP-SAT certification program now has three levels.
1. Foundation,
2. Advanced, and
3. Expert
The earlier CPSAT certification program had a single level, with a two parts exam:
- Multiple-choice question assessment, and
- Practical assessment
These have now been restructured into two separate levels, Foundation and Advanced
The Expert level certification exam has now been added to give an option to selenium experts to get themselves assessed at even a higher level
CP-SAT certification exam can be taken in any of the technology streams (Java, Python, or C#).
CP-SAT is brought to you by Agile Testing Alliance, a global body which excels in community driven program development and assessment.

CP-SAT Foundation
CP-SAT Foundation is a MCQ (Multiple Choice questions) based 1 (one) hour exam. Passing criterion is to score 70% or more. There is no negative marking.

CP-SAT Advanced
CP-SAT Advanced is a practical based 150 minutes (2 hours 30 minutes) exam. All questions are scenario based which must be solved and the actual solution scripts/code must be shared with ATA (For further evaluations)
Passing criterion is to score 60% or more.
CP-SAT foundation certificate is a pre-requisite for appearing for CP-SAT Advanced Exam

CP-SAT Expert
CP-SAT Expert exam can be taken by any Selenium Professional. This is an expert level exam to assess how you can design an end to end, cross browser scalable, continuous testing automation solution.
How is it useful?
CP-SAT is designed to assess testing professionals with the concepts of testing web applications using Selenium and Selenium Eco System technology components.
CP-SAT learning objectives focus on the most challenging areas for testing web applications using the latest Selenium 4.x and using JUnit and TestNG.
There is an extensive coverage on Data Driven Testing, Page Object Model, Selenium Grid, Continuous Integration (CI) with Jenkins and Maven. We have added GIT (SCM tool), integration with Jenkins and Docker containers. Use of Selenium Grid on cloud is also part of the learning objective