What is Instructor Led Online program on Selenium 3.0 CP-SAT ?
Due to technology enhancements and available tools like gotomeeting, xoom, google hangouts it is possible to organize an online classroom where folks can participate from their own comfort. Agile Testing Alliance (ATA) as part of the #TesterBhiCoder series have organized multiple Instructor led Java boot camps and Selenium 3.0 CP-SAT programs. These programs are really special as these are led by CP-SAT licensed trainers who not only cover the intricacies and hands on learnings for Selenium 3.0 but provide entire coverage for one of the only globally recognized Selenium 3.0 certification program. The program also enables participants with mock exams and help them to practice selenium and get into selenium automation. The program is scheduled such that working professionals can attend it post their working hours in a 2 hour daily capsule. ATA also limits the participant/batch size to a decent 10 -12 folks in order for the participants to have direct conversation from the licensed trainers.
How does this help working professionals
Most of the working professionals have understood the need to upskill themselves in Selenium. They find it tough to go for a classroom program which spans multiple days. It makes the task a little less tougher if they have a choice to go home and attend the program from the comfort of the homes. It also allows them to attend some house hold chores while the program is going on. The other big benefit is for folks to get small learning capsules and keep on sustaining the learnings for a longer time, thus increasing the learning retention. The other benefit is that folks can attend it from different locations. in the current batch participants are from all around India and one participant is attending from USA too. There are in total 10 participants undergoing the Selenium 3.0 CP-SAT program.
Update on currently running Instructor Led Online (started on 14 may)
Here is a quick update on the current batch which started from 14th may and will go on till 1st June. The program is facilitated by Pallavi Sharma. Pallavi is a Licensed Trainer for the CP-SAT program.
The current batch is attended by folks from various organizations to name a few, Capgemini, Vodafone, TCS, Tieto, Cognizant Technology etc.
There are participants from all across India and also from one of the participants is attending from USA.
Here is snapshot with the participants in the current online batch

The comprehensive program on Selenium 3.0 will span 3 weeks wherein basics topics with regards to Selenium along with topics covering Framework and selenium grid will be covered. Entire CP-SAT LEARNING OBJECTIVES will be covered.
The participants will also be given access to a live banking project to get a hands on experience.
Post completion of the program, the participants will be given a mock examination for practice which will be followed by the CP-SAT Certification Examination.
Can anyone attend this program ?
Yes anyone can attend this program, if they have some prior background of Java. If you do not have Java background please attend our free java boot camps
Any future programs and more details?
Please keep the following page in your favorite list.
The above page is a dedicated page for CP-SAT. It keeps the upcoming event details for online, classroom and JAVA boot camps too.
The next CP-SAT Online program is scheduled from 2nd July, 2018. As the batch size is limited, please do not waste time to register now. Seats fill really fast.
Please see the below URL for registration information :

What if I already know Selenium and I just want to appear for CP-SAT?
If you are already acquainted with selenium the training is not mandatory. You can directly appear for the CP-SAT Examination
Register for the CP-SAT Examination here
I am a selenium expert and want to become a licensed trainer – how can I become one ?
Please get in touch with us with the information provided on CP-SAT Web Page