CP-SAT is # 1 Selenium Certification. The very reason it is #1, because no other certificate for Selenium is practical in nature. The questions are scenario based. Participants have to solve the paper in real time and submit the code.
Considering that the practical exam is complex in nature, recently a program for CPSAT preparation was undertaken.
Following section has some insights from the program along with code base and problem solution.
CP-SAT mock exam paper
The mock exam that was discussed during the program is available on the following URL
Important things to take care
Program highlighted on the importance of the following points
- Using driver.findElements() and use of proper locators (XPath or CSS)
- Data Driven – Reading and writing to files
- Understanding Page Object Model and using the same for practical scenarios
- Ability to create and use JUnit and TestNg suites and use of Parameters
- Using utility functions / framework
- Handling popups and dynamic elements
- Handling paginated tables
- Time management is very important – the practical paper is 150 minutes and how you manage it is very important
- Few questions are simple questions (like suite and parametrization) – you can get that resolved in less than 5-10 minutes, that allows you time to focus on data driven and POM questions
Ready to use framework
You can download the following github/gitlab public repository – which has ready to use framework. It comes built in with utility functions for creation of driver but reading and writing to files.
Please download the maven project from the above public gitlab repo.
The program covered details on how to download and import the maven project in eclipse.
Please see the program recording on the following you tube video
Solution for Dynamic table along with Data Driven
The code base and some points discussed during the program are available on the following shared onedrive
Hope this helps you in your CP-SAT certification preparation
Go for the best selenium certificate, prepare well!
Best Wishes
CPSAT Support Team